Lizz Bacon presented this talk on “Understanding Patient Engagement” to the HIMSS Usability Task Force. So often, the production of health information technology can leave the human element and context of use behind. However, we can only generate progress towards the crucial goal of patient engagement for health if we focus on people. People are emotional and individuals are networked, whereas today’s healthcare systems are stuck on transaction-based models that don’t meet people where they are, much less anticipate their future needs.

Lizz proposes that the new interaction model for healthcare to transcend “sick care” is a blended model that sustains engagement by truly understanding the individual. We have to research people’s behaviors, motivations, and goals and then use these to craft desirable experiences that enhance everyday quality of life. Lizz also discusses her startup business, Find Wellness, as an example of a system that applies UX processes and best practices to identify and foster engagement.

Peruse the slides below: